2 min readJan 27, 2021


Is passion at work necessary?

Is passion at work necessary?

This article is in response to a survey I came across on an online professional networking website where the author placed the view of a New Yorker on the abuse of passion.

The answer to this question, I believe, lies in one’s definition of success. Success can mean great numbers and face value for some, which is possible to achieve in the absence or scarcity of passion too. Enablers like - state of the art technology, teams dedicatedly working towards a common vision, lucrative perks can help one succeed in the face of diminished passion.

There is a difference between dedication and passion. And the difference is precisely of that “extra mile". I agree to a part of what the New Yorker has to say. That such passion can often lead to burnouts or exploitation. However I also believe this is where Realism comes in handy.

Knowing when to take a break, knowing that breaks are not full stops, merely commas or points of restoration, which gives one the required rejuvenation to keep the passion ignited.

On the other hand, their is an urging need for employers and leaders to renovate the way they see their human resources. People who possess this kind of passion, if supported with a system more encouraging rather than exploiting, will definitely end up achieving more than they would do with hurdles like exploitation at the hand of the employer.

This thought may sound extremely ideal and hence hypothetical too. However, if followed, I can vouch this kind of approach has the potential to create a win-win situation for all of us.




Brusque. Judgmental. Art Lover. Wallflower. Overthinking is my Hamartia.